Integrative Physical Therapy
Integrative holistic physical therapy (IPT) sessions combining manual therapy and energy techniques to help heal persisting pain and promote over-all health and well-being.
Option: 50mins Initial Evaluation
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Life Coaching
One-on-one life coaching sessions focused on helping individuals who feel stuck and overwhelmed find their path to greater personal fullfillment, joy, and happiness.
PACKAGE OPTIONS: 45mins/session
6-Week Coaching Package
12-Week Coaching Package
24-Week Coaching Package
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Combination: Coaching & IPT
Life coaching session with addition of integrative holistic PT session to help achieve your over-all goal and optimal health for greater personal fulfillment, joy, and happiness.
PACKAGE OPTIONS: 90mins/session
6-Week Combo Package
12-Week Combo Package
24-Weeks Combo Package
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